The fight against cancer in the Philippines is evolving, thanks to the collective efforts of healthcare providers, government agencies, local government units, and patient advocates.

The media forum titled “Synergizing strengths and collaborative efforts to drive progress and innovation in cancer care” organized by the Philippine Society of Oncologists (PSO), and advocacy program Hope From Within, highlights the need to strengthen collaboration across sectors to drive progress and innovation in cancer care.

Effectively navigating the cancer joumey requires different sectors coming together to provide comprehensive support for patients. The health forum spotlights efforts from the national government through the leadership of the Department of Health (DOH), local government units (LGUs), and even from the private sector, that stand out as best practices in cancer care.

These initiatives show how working together broadens access, improves outcomes, and strengthens community support in the fight against cancer.

Dr. Herdee Luna, President of the Philippine Society of Oncologists, underscores the importance of collaboration in the ongoing fight against cancer.

“True progress in cancer care comes when we unite across sectors-healthcare providers, local governments, patient advocates, and the private sector-all working toward a shared goal. The commitment to collaboration enables us to push boundaries, innovate, and create solutions that ensure no one is left behind in the fight against this disease.”

Best practices in cancer care

The Department of Health leads the way with the National Integrated Cancer Control Act (NICCA), a landmark legislation that aims to provide timely access to optimal cancer treatment and care. The law established the Cancer and Supportive-Palliative Medicines Access Program (CSPMAP) and the Cancer Assistance Fund (CAF). CSPMAP provides free medication to cancer patients, while CAF offers financial help for treatments and diagnostics Together, these programs reduce the financial strain on patients and ensure timely, affordable care.

The ACT NOW: Prime Care for Breast Cancer is an example of a community-organized screening and patient navigation program that highlights the importance of early detection. Since breast cancer is one of the most common but treatable cancers in the country, this program focuses on organized screening It uses online education, self-exams, and mobile clinic breast exams to connect patients to treatment. This approach helps detect cancer early, improving survival rates and access to medical resources.

Improving access to cancer care

A key theme at this health forum is providing equitable access to cancer care for all Filipinos. The Z Benefits package addresses patients with catastrophic illnesses, identified as childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), breast cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, among others.

Initially covering P210,000 of the costs for ALL and P100,000 each for breast and prostate cancer, the Z
Benefits package for breast cancer was recently raised to P1.4 million, a 1,400 percent increase

Precision medicine is also a major focus, thanks to initiatives like the Hit the Mark campaign. This program ensures lung cancer patients receive targeted treatment through accurate, timely biomarker testing In terms of access to biomarker testing, three biomarkers-PD-L1, EGFR, and ALK-have been unified in a lung panel test to benefit cancer patients for the first time, through the initiative of diagnostics laboratories

Building community commitment

The PSO Annual Convention also highlights the “One Community Against Cancer initiative, which recognizes the role of local governments championing effective implementation of the NICCA, in collaboration with other sectors.

Quezon City is one of the LGUs leading cancer care efforts. Its Integrated Cancer Control Ordinance aligns with the NICCA and connects patients to local hospitals and healthcare programs. This ordinance shows
how local governments can lead in providing cancer patients with the resources and support they need Meanwhile, City of Taguig have set the standard with programs like “Ating Dibdibin,” a community-based breast cancer care initiative.

Through these examples, the forum emphasizes that collaboration is key in enabling access to quality cancer care for all Filipinos, specially to those most in need.

For more information on these efforts and how you can contribute, visit the Hope From Within website, a platform dedicated to making cancer care accessible for all Filipinos.

You can watch the live telecast here!