Five Things You Can Do with ShopeePay

Five Things You Can Do with ShopeePay

Nowadays, there are mobile apps for just about everything, even for activities like shopping or making financial transactions that we previously could not do online. With thousands of apps available for our use, it’s best to choose one with different features so...
5 Healthy Ways to Manage Stress

5 Healthy Ways to Manage Stress

You probably know someone who’s undergoing a stressful situation. Perhaps you’re dealing with one right now and are looking for ways to cope and manage. Stress affects everyone; it’s actually a natural response for how our brains and bodies react to demands or...
Healthy Diet safeguards against COVID-19

Healthy Diet safeguards against COVID-19

The COVID-19 Pandemic intensifies Philippine’s battle against Double Burden of Malnutrition. Double Burden of Malnutrition is defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as “the coexistence of undernutrition along with overweight and obesity, or diet-related...