Since it is our Company’s first time to have this, Philippine Red Cross conducted Pep talk to the employees prior to the activity.
Let me share to you what they have discussed:
- A person who gives blood should be from his/her own free will and receives no payment.
Benefits of blood donation:
- Health check up
- Recognition of blood type
- hemoglobin level and BP
- bone marrow stimulation
- and it is something that will make you feel good about yourself
Who can donate blood:
16 – 65 years of age
Body weight -Minimum of 110 lbs (50 kgs)
Normal hemoglobin, blood pressure,pulse rate and respiratory rate at the day of the donation.
Things to do before donation:
have enough rest and sleep
eat a light meal
No alcohol intake for the past 24 hours
Drink plenty of fluids
How much blood will be taken?
350 to 450cc – 7 to 8% of your total blood volume (parang kasing dami ng 350ml na mineral water)
Steps in Actual blood donation:
1. Donor registration
2. Blood typing & hemoglobin check
3. Physical check up
4. Blood extraction After donation, PRC will give PRC blood donors card which is color coded, transferable and no expiration.
The donor should rest for about 10 more minutes and should increase fluid intake (juice or water)
Reasons why people cannot donate blood:
1. recent surgery
2. pregnancy
3. cough, colds and fever
I am so happy because once again, I donated blood because the blood I give is the life they receive.